Hello community! I bought a CNC a little over two years ago. But I never had the time to build the machine. I started last November. I just started testing and already I see that the x and y axes do not move when I activate the Home command. I checked all the wiring and contacts, I changed lines of code as suggested in the forum. The tests to move the axes are positive but nothing move. I also managed to configure the Z Probe even if I do not understand what it is for. (For the zéro point?) It’s a bit frustrating, I’m really looking forward to starting using it. I have read everything I could find on the subject without being able to correct the situation. If anyone has also had the same problem, I would appreciate a little troubleshooting. Thanks in advance.
Check to see if all the wiring is correct. Go through the Easel set up portion of assembly as that will allow you to test your motors and directions. The Z probe is a device that allows you to set the depth of your bit accurately. You can also do it mechanically by jogging the z axis down until the bit contacts a piece of paper on top of your material and then zeroing it out.
Assuming you have an x xcontroller, make sure the emergency stop is pulled upwards and not engaged.
Home switches involve a grbl setting change. This will be made by going through the set up and answering the questions. It can also be done manually by typing $$ in the command line and typing the change into the setting.
X-Controller | X-Carve Assembly
CNC How-To - Setting up Easel for the first time (Machine Setup)
This describes what each setting does:
$22 is the homing cycle. 0 is enable 1 is disable
[quote=“MartinW.Mcclary, post:2, topic:159328”]
Thanks Martin for your prompt reply.
-Wiring is correct;
-Testing motors and directions done with Easel , all directions move well but not the homing for X and Y;
- I have an X-controller and the emergency stop is pull up;
- All of the grbl settings are checked and have benne changed if necessary;
I will do again all the processus this afternoon.
After re-inspection of the connections, there is no indication that the wires are broken or that the connectors are not properly connected. I do not understand what is wrong. I decided to test the machine without using “homing” and everything is fine. My problem is not solved but I can still move forward in my understanding of how to use the X-Carve. Happy New Year 2025!