4x8 Xcarve plasma cnc build

Not perfect but getting there.


Its looks clean cuts how thick sheet it is. Can possible cut 1mm SS thin sheet without dross . I am also planning to upgrade. what plasma are used for these cuts.
what are you using for filter/air dryer for plasma dry air is critical. are you using any THC? or without THC
what are you using for cleaning dross and black spots.

I am looking setup with just floating head using Cam for fusion 360 I don’t know what post processor do I need to used can any help.

Yeah came out nice but still have more to improve it. I have hypertherm 45xp and still havs to hook up the thc. I have a air system but I’ll be getting a dry air system once I’m really cutting with it. Dross and Mark’s I’ll be grinding and sanding down anything and then powder coating. The post processing I use is the one on their website for mach 3 and for the floating head idk if you can set up what it is in fusion. I know mine is wired into my controller for hitting the switch and then it corrects it.