Always check your squares

I just bought a couple of squares and suspected one wasn’t right. A johnson cs10. Checked it against 3 other squares and it was off by a fare amount. It failed at its only job.


Don’t you just love the quailty of products now days. :confounded:

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indeed. had the same issue with an angle gauge recently. I mean… if it were multi-function and one function failed slightly… ok maybe… but when it is its only function and it fails… with no mechanical parts… like a square… that’s pretty bad

You had one job square… one job.

I think part of the problem, is not enough folks are calling these companies out on these problems. If your company is in the business of making measuring devices… then get it right or re-categorize yourselves to the toy department


i bought 2 squares in that order, both at the same price roughly. one was dead on. the johnson, not so much.

Confusious say, “Man with one clock always know what time it is. Man with two clock never know what time it is.”

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what does he say about a man with 5? checked against 3 reliable squares… I needed different sized squares for different situations.

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I like having them in the different parts of my shop to avoid going backtracking and use different types for different purposes…

simply came across my first out of square - square and thought it could be helpful to some others to throw a PSA out. Regardless of price, you would think when you buy a product that has one function,. it would do that function.

Thanks for the link steve!