how long can i pause a cut if i leave the controller on and my laptop is programmed to never go to sleep and is it hard on the controller
I have two different machines and have different results. On the big machine with a DeWalt 611, I can pause a job and turn off the router, and have left it overnight (8+ hours), and was able to fire it back up and resume.
On the 4040 gantry machine, I can pause the job, but it will not stop the spindle, so the bit just keeps spinning. I have not been able to find a way to pause the spindle, the console is not available for manually controlling the spindle, so I just have to make sure I can be around to monitor the job, and the pause only gets used for very short periods of time.
Can you send an M0 ( pause) and then and M5 ( stop spindle) through the console?
i can pause the cut and turn off the router