Center on Object

Hi There,

I did a search and couldnt find any info on this…

If I wanted to set machine origin to center of an object, is this possible in easel?
Like setting home to the center of said object?

If not, would this not be a usable feature for placing objects on materials that are weirldy shaped ?

I apologize if this has been answered, but any clarification would be great!

Yes, it is
click on the shape and check out pop up (window setting)

I don’t understand…
I’m very sorry…

Can you explain in detail please?

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its not totally intuitive due to the simulation pane only showing 1/4 of the simulation… but this is how and i do it on just about every carve…

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select your object/project

under shape is the position, you can put your preference or XY0 of your workspace.

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