Chilipeppr, Now X-carve seems to need calibration

Trying out Chilipeppr and it seems that the z axis is now way out of calibration, it was fin last night with UGS… but now it almost seems 50% off in some quick test…

Is this reasonable? should I recalibrate? should changing g-code senders cause this??? seems really odd…



I’ll post tonight as i don’t have machine access right now… laying in bed thinking about this last night I get the feeling I was playing with Easel as well and did a machine config… bet i did not pick the correct Screw, Mines Acme… Will check and confirm tonight.



Chilipeppr uses work coordinates which can bee really confusing at first. Especially when using the probe feature for the Z axis.
(once you get used to it, it can be pretty versatile)

Also I was having a weird local browser / PC issue where it was not resetting coordinates properly. It would send the rest work coordinate command but nothing would happen. Putting a offset in where there should be none. I found that rebooting the computer would fix the problem. I have not noticed the issue on my new tablet.

I am interested in Chilipeppr as it does circits.
I have not had a chance to learn it yet.

So My original $102 setting as 188.976 and to get the Z axis back in calibration I had to change it to 395.244. One heck of a change, the X & Y axis were unaffected and still set to 40… The only change i can think of is going from UGS to Chilipeppr… I’ve done a test carve and it works fine…

Any ideas what is going on here?



almost double… maybe something to do with micro stepping settings on the Z axis?