Circles are skew - please help

Hi all,

I know this has been discussed at length and I have had a good read of the relevant threads. I suppose i’ll start by saying i upgraded a few things of late, unsure if they’re related but worth stating.

*spindle upgraded to makita trimmer
*simple 30 minute x axis stiffening mod.

I use a elair collet to use smaller bits. At first i thought it might be major runout, but tried with a larger bit on the original collet and the issue remains.

I tightened all my belts, checked all my pulleys and everything seems fine. I thought perhaps the makita was heavier i’d increase the voltage on the x axis a little, but still, the issue remains.

They’re just skewed a little like ovals, the skew seems to be the same shape in all instances.

Anyone have any ideas here?

Originally i was using an svg but switched to easels in-built circles in order to rule anything funny out. Very conservative settings as well.