Clear out a pocket and cut on shape path

I have used the files attached to cut out the pocket in the tree fo life ( please see project also attached (Easel - Dereks tree of life 250mm - inner cutout).
I plan to cut on shape path using another piece of would and Replace the areas I have removed so that this wood will fill in the voids. so if the pocket cleared was a white wood then it will be replaced by the wood I cut (using a dark wood) how do I modify a copy of that project to achieve that? can I just selsct the lines to cut?

tqwxx-tree-of-life-clipart.cdr (51.8 KB)
tqwxx-tree-of-life-clipart (2).ai (58.8 KB)

It’s called an inlay. Easel has a built in app for inlays using straight end mills, but remember you’ll lose sharp corners due to the radius of the end mill. The inlay app takes care of that adjustment for you.

If you want your finished product to respect the sharp corners, then you’re doing a v-inlay or prismatic inlay. Lots of info on either type on the forum.