Computer turned off in the middle of a cut

I’'m working on cutting some fully 3d models of cars(Mustang at the moment) but about a quarter of the way into a cut using UGS my computer turned off because I moved the fan that keeps the old piece of junk from overheating. When I got it started back up along with UGS it was reporting my location as being way off from where the bit stopped relative to original zero. Even if I could figure out what the last command was I have no idea where zero is anymore. Work position is at some nonsensical values 6 inches off my part and Material position is now 0,0,0. My questions are as follows:

  1. Any idea how to deal with premature stoppage? Does UGS log somewhere that I haven’t seen? I’m considering trying to pipe all the command-line output to a file. Then I can figure out what the last command was and start from there.

  2. How the heck did the position get so far off? I would have thought that the computer would have been sending G1s and suddenly stop which should leave grbl hanging, but still with it’s original work zero. On starting UGS again it should read the zero back from grbl right?