Convert Dwg/DXF to SVG

Currently SVG is the only data format that can be used to import designs into Easel, but this will likely change in the future. The first thing Easel does after you import an SVG is convert it to an internal data model that represents all of the objects in your design in real world units. We’ve started giving developers early access to our Easel developer platform that we are in the process of building out. One of the things you can do with apps is ask the user to upload a file, and then perform some processing on that file and ultimately place a design on the Easel canvas. Right now these apps feed SVG to Easel behind the scenes to create the designs. However, we’ll be changing this very soon so that the apps will feed Easel data objects instead. This would open the door to any developer building a DXF file import app for Easel (or any other type of file format).