Cut Depth Issue

On my last two cut projects the cut depth has been much deeper than my settings. I’ve been trying to troubleshoot with multiple attempts and based on my last attempt I believe the issue is the machine is taking deeper cuts per pass than my cut setting. For example, I am clearing out a board that .75 inch thick and the cutting setting is .125 per pass. The actual cuts per pass appears to be .25 per pass because after 3 passes I am completing through the board and on the 4th pass I am digging deep into my waste board. Has any had this problem and any potential solution.

Try jogging the Z axis a set amount and see how much it moves in comparison. If it is off, you may need to check some things.

Typically things to check would be making sure the coupler and bit are tight and not moving. Checking your Grbl settings and changing them may be useful too.

Translate the sentence into Chinese: "Check and calibrate the stepper motor, confirm the cutting settings are accurate, check the condition of the cutting tools, and testing the cutting depth step by step may solve the issue

I am having a similar issue with a new machine (have only been able to get the spoilboard flattened so far…). When I jog Z it is traveling about 2x what easel says. If I say jog 1 inch it moves 2. Let me know if you figure out what is going on, I have not figured out a solution and have tried removing my machine, reinstalling drivers and firmware and neither worked. I don’t see any settings I can change either…

If it is moving twice what you want, you need to change the steps per mm setting in the GRBL settings. Z axis steps per mm is setting $102

See my post in this thread:

Z axis config setting - Easel / Easel Pro - Inventables Community Forum


Grbl is new to me but calibrating and updating the values for x, y, and z did the trick! I understand the calibration being a little off (X and y were barely off), but seems strange that z was off by exactly 2x from the factory. Everything is working as expected now, thanks!