Cutting a design into sections to cut larger than table

You’re good, I just didn’t want ya’ll to wonder why he likely won’t reply :+1:

Hey Luke, It came out ok. To be fair I didn’t get it finished. Covid happened and I couldn’t get any decent MDF. So I put it on hold. I have the pictures. There was an issue with the background lining up…but I think it was doable. I’ll Post pictures here.


Notice the different color MDF? The “skin” was worse for carving. it would make curly-cue’s along all cuts. New bits and different speeds regardless.(The darker was worse)

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So close. Do you remember which file you used to cut the background? You mentioned that you thought the issue was due to your machine going off the path but it doesn’t look like any of the quadrants are missing parts along their edges. When you stack them on top of each other art they the same size or is one smaller? This is if you used my file where I made everything symmetrical, if you used another file then I don’t know how you would tell if it’s the machine or an issue with the drawing.
Are you panning on recutting everything when you get more MDF?

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I’ll be honest I’m not sure which file I used. I cut it so long ago. And this was back before they put the tiling feature in. But I think I used the one you sent, I’m sure it’s still in my project list. The VFW commander isn’t sure he wants it, he wants to know it would be weatherproof and long lasting since he wants to put it on the outside of the building so I’m not even sure I’ll cut another one since I don’t know the longevity of epoxy and mica. They seem the same size stacked. They’ve been stacked for a bit in the garage. I just moved, and finally got my machine back up and running so I’m starting to cut again though. I’ll let you know if I do make one.