I have been using Easel with my 3018 PROVer for a while now but I want to step out of my comfort zone now and do a deep carve. Up till now all have been shallow. My main question is, with a 1/8 inch straight cut bit, what is the max depth I can carve with that bit. I was going to carve out and cutout a small jewelry box but the actual carve is deeper than the cutting blades on the bit. Is this possible? The piece I am carving is .9285 thick and I want to carve it out totally using tabs but also in the center of the piece carve it out an opening to .8035 - the cutting blade on the bit is only .7290 - sorry for not understanding this, I am learning all of this as I go, my CNC was a gift from my daughter. I have a screen shot but don’t see a link here to include a photo.
Well…you probably can only go the length of the cutter on one side of the material. You might want to invest in a bit that will pull chips up and away from the groove. You can load a picture by dragging it in or using the up arrow icon (above in edit mode) .
You must have enough bit in the collet to work safely. Check out different 1/8" bits with 1/4 inch shanks too.
Just an example of a long one:
CNC Carving Router Bit Amana Tool 46299 - ZrN Coated, 3-Flute
Thank you for the reply - I didn’t even know they made longer bits, I will definitely look into those. Like I said the CNC was a gift back in the summer and I have come a long way with it since then but learn new things every day. Also thanks for the info on loading a pic here. Got it down now - Looks like it’s time for some new bits LOL