Detailed view/simulate carve timing out

ive been having an issue, probably about a year now, but its been detrimental at times. this problem exists on both my computers, and in different browsers. When i first open a project, ill be able to go through detailed view and simulate the carve without issue. If i move anything on the project, or change carve depths etc… it will not let me use detailed view without refreshing the page, nor will it allow me to actually do the carve (i can go through all the steps of setting the probe and zero, turning on the router, but the bar just sits empty).
it seems to be happening more and more… sometimes when i dont move a thing and am just carving the same project over and over. it really slows the whole process down, and the modifications i use to make(on future carves) during the carve itself are impossible without causing some sort of timeout. ive had to drag my desktop into the garage because the loss of time is of too much value.