Amazon has the Dewalt 611 for $99 right now on a Father’s Day special.
We have placed the order and paid for it but have not received them yet.
We will post alerts when they come in.
I didn’t have chance to watch this “quick video” earlier.
I think using wood cutting end mill. That cranking sound tells how much stress on it. Aluminum cutting bits are shorter blades and blade angles are different. Good aluminum cutting bit starts from $80, and if someone interested carving/drilling aluminum, must pay the difference. It’s not X-Carve capability, it is bit. Bit must chew aluminum with long helix pieces, wood bits only scrapping the pieces small particles, shaking spindle and showing X-Carve weak. I know lot cheaper DIY cncs are doing better job, because of bit difference. First chance, as soon as I install my DW611, I will put some video with my $138 bit to see how fast X-Carve can eat aluminium.
Will this DWP611 mount also work on shapeoko 2?
@JonQuiros The DWP611 mount will work for the SO2.
You can check out the source files.
Zach is there a way to get on a list to be notified when they hit the shelves? Thx Rick…
Yep you can sign up here:
I have been looking into either getting the DeWalt DWP611 (1.25hp)
or a Porter Cable 892 (2.25hp)
My biggest concern is the weight difference!! Dewalt is 5.5lb and the Porter Cable is 9lb
Im not real worried about a mount, Im sure I can find or make something. But is the weight of the Porter Cable going to be an issue for the 1000mm X CARVE as far as stability or anything else?
We tested the Dewalt 611 but we have not tested the Porter Cable.
Any new updates on the timeline or how manufacturing is going? also it’s been close to 6 weeks since the announcement of the x-controller, any news there? Thanks in advance.
We have a tracking number on the mounts. We are hoping next week.
We have design review on the controller tomorrow.
Very cool! Thank you for the updates, Can a pre-order be set up on the mounts so we can pay in advance and have them shipped right away?
i second this.
I’ll ask merchandising tomorrow. They had a reason they weren’t doing pre-orders to this point just need to find out if that has been resolved.
Sounds good Zach! Thanks a ton.
Do you guys have any plans in the future to do like a weight capacity test as far as spindles/ routers so that limits can be set on spindle/ router weight for people who are looking to upgrade their spindles?
Any updates on this Zach? I take it we can’t preorder this?
611 mount arrived today. We need to finish testing, write the instructions, make the module and then we can turn it on to take orders.
Throw one in the box with my 500mm order if you can. I’ll gladly test it for you. I have a Colt as well, but it is older than my 611, and the 611 is more powerful. Can’t complain about he LED lights on the 611 either. 4D
Hi @DavidBrown thanks for the excitement! If you want to add the new 611 mount please email help@ and they can charge your card and add it manually.
The forum is really meant for the community and help@ for transactional type requests.