DeWalt Spindle Mount, NEMA Stepper Motors, ACME Rod Z-Axis and Knob

All parts are used but in excellent condition with average wear from use.
Can be sold individually or all together.

DeWalt Spindle Mount
NEMA Stepper Motors from 2017 X-Carve
ACME Rod Z-Axis and Knob

Reach out for pricing if interested or make an offer.

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Hello, what is cost for z axis and mount ( without motors) ?

Thanks for checking it out… looks like the cost of the ACME rod is $32 on the site:

How does $25 sound for rod assembly and the mount, plus shipping? I’m assuming you want the knob, etc as well?

Sure that works great for me.
Do you use paypal?

Yup! Paypal or venmo. I’ll direct messsge you with info.

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