Divots on every corner!

Could it be extra nodes in the vector?

Have you found a solution to this problem? I’m having the same issue, I don’t use easel to make anything, I use aspire, but I run the gcode through easel, I was carving stars with the 60 degree vbit from inventables, as the last pass runs it ruins the star at every corner.

Divots come from either incorrect geometry used, incorrect depth set (Z work zero) or mechanical aspects valid for your particular machine. All mentioned aspects may be present.

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I was never able to find a resolution to this issue with Easel projects. I spent countless hours working with Inventables support, other users and suggestions found here and on the Facebook page. In fact, just about every piece of my machine was replaced and re-tuned. I would run calibration tests and they would come out perfect. Nothing resolved the divots, though. I ended up returning my X-Carve.

I bought a completely different machine that uses Carveco/Candle as the software. I did not have the problem any longer. Everything comes out perfectly with V-bits. BUT… just as a test I opened up one of my old Easel projects and connected my new machine to Easel. I ran a carve, and guess what? Perfect carve until the last 30 seconds and it comes through and makes big divots in all the corners.

It is absolutely an Easel issue. Inventables continues to deny it, but there is a problem with the “touch up” pass at the end of a V-bit detail carve. If you change your detail bit settings to a 0.1 straight end mill and use your V-bit, you can have some success because it does not do that “touch up” pass. The measurements won’t be exact but the corners will come out nice. Alternatively, move on from Easel.