Easel Cabinetmaker Updates - Week of 7/14/2023

Hi Matthew!

Thanks for your support! There’s not currently a direct way in Easel Cabinetmaker to only make cabinet doors or drawers. That said, we’ve got some clever users who have come up with some work-arounds to this limitation. I’d advise you to check out the posts below for more info!

As for face frames, I’m very excited to let you know that we are in the early stages of investigating this functionality - with the plan of developing an intitial implementation of face frames over the next month or so. From there, we plan to continue iterating on improvements to face frames to meet the needs of our users. You can keep an eye on our progress with face frame construction each through the updates we share each weekend!

Thanks again for sharing your feedback! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have additional questions or comments about the software!
