Easel error code

hello, i am getting an error code when trying to simulate tool paths on this project.

Hi Raymond,

You’ll need to share your project so people can help. Here’s some instructions on how to do this from @SethCNC Simple Method - How To send a friend your Easel Project - YouTube

got it thank you. Easel - 0017. Elk


The error generating tool paths appears to be because Easel can’t generate tabs for the cutout - possibly because there are holes in the design (the STL file isn’t closed). Move to Rectangle Relief or Model Boundary relief, or edit the STL in something (like Fusion 360) to close the design.

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im getting no design cut in setting when i just cut it 10 min

Rashoan, you’ll need to share your project so people can take a look at the issues:

Here’s some instructions on how to do this from @SethCNC HOW TO SHARE your Easel CNC Project with a SHARE LINK - YouTube

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