Easel Local for Linux?

I have installed your driver and here is the output from ‘screen -r easel’
2020-05-01T20:08:38.684Z iris.js [id=0] Starting Easel Driver 0.3.18
2020-05-01T20:08:38.693Z Machine [id=3] Resetting
2020-05-01T20:08:38.781Z iris.js [id=0] Listening on port 1438 for secure connections from easel.inventables.com:80 easel.inventables.com:443 easelstaging.inventables.com:80 easelstaging.inventables.com:443 easel.invinternal.com:443 easel-secure.inventables.com:443 easel-insecure.inventables.com:80
2020-05-01T20:08:38.792Z iris.js [id=0] Listening on port 1338 for connections from easel.inventables.com:80 easel.inventables.com:443 easelstaging.inventables.com:80 easelstaging.inventables.com:443 easel.invinternal.com:443 easel-secure.inventables.com:443 easel-insecure.inventables.com:80
2020-05-01T20:15:36.240Z Websocket Controller [id=4] Client connected via polling
2020-05-01T20:15:36.918Z Websocket Controller [id=4] Client transport changed to websocket
2020-05-01T20:16:38.652Z Machine [id=3] Client disconnected (0 remaining)
2020-05-01T20:16:39.617Z Websocket Controller [id=4] Client connected via polling
2020-05-01T20:16:40.848Z Websocket Controller [id=4] Client transport changed to websocket

I am still getting prompted to “Plug in your USB Cable and turn on your machine”

I changed to serial_port_controller.js file to say ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’

Any other suggestions?

I’m running on a RaspberryPi 3B+

I got the same problem on Ubuntu 18.04. and RobotDYN Uno. You have X-Controler?

To make this easier – Look on Amazon for the Atomic Pi. At the time of this writing it’s an X86 based board like the Raspberry but its running an X86 – so you don’t have to mess around … what I did was get the Atomic PI up and running, then install xrdp (apt-get install xrdp). This allows me to remote in using the Microsoft RDP protocol. There is a Remote Desktop client built in to Windows, and you can download for free a client for Mac, Android, iPad. Then I installed the Inventables driver on the Atomic PI. I also set in my wifi configuration to make the atomic pi come up with the same IP Address every time it boots. Now I can run the atomic pi without a monitor, it sits on top of the XController.

So now I design on my mac in easel. When I want to carve, I pull up Atomic PI via RDP client on my ipad. On the atomic pi I can then pull up firefox, log in to Easel, Open the project, Jog the machine to where it needs to go. Watch as it performs the homing action, get the probe setup, turn on the spindle and start the carve. I then walk away. I can turn off the ipad, go in via RDP client from my desktop computer, the RDP session I started on the iPad is still there and I can monitor the progress from there. If I want I can switch back to RDP on the ipad.

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Nice trick but i and DwayneK.Johnson need to know why that not working :slight_smile: i try many many many things and have theory that works only on x-controler or arduino orignal because i got clone and dont know what got DwayneK.Johnson. UGS works fine but i like to use Easel on Linux.

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Hey @KacperMarcisz ,

Has this been tested with Ubuntu / Xubuntu 20.04? We are looking to upgrade our machines in the next week or so, while we have a little spare time.


I have started over with a clean Raspbian image and installed the socket.io library that was caused the initial error message from Screenlog.0

There are now no error messages on Screenlog, but am still unable to connect locally using the Chromium Browser.

My next attempt is the try the port forwarding option Sammy listed.

I have not tried X-Controller, yet. Have you successfully use it?

I just tried using X-Controller install of Arduino-gShield and it is still prompting me for USB connection.

Hmm … that strange… I dont know what to do now. I think i try all things. In serial_port_controler.js i can change port to anything and still the same. Last time change linux usb driver and nothing

Hi all, I just did a fresh install Raspbian Lite on a Raspberry Pi, and fresh install of the driver GitHub - samyk/easel-driver: Easel driver for Linux, Mac, Windows, ARM, Raspberry Pi, Intel, FTDI, CH340, CH341, CP210x, FTDI clones, local, and remote access to GRBL-based CNC controllers. I did NOT make any changes to any js file or do anything custom.

Then from my Mac, I ran sudo ncat --sh-exec "ncat raspberrypi.local 1438" -l 1438 --keep-open to port forward from my Mac to my Pi and browsed to Easel from my Mac (just so I don’t have to be physically near the Pi). Everything worked without a problem.

Those of you having issues, have you tried not making any changes? If you’re still having issues, would one of you allow me to ssh into your Pi (I can provide a reverse tunnel so you don’t have to open up any ports) so that I can investigate what could be wrong?

PS, if you have Easel also installed on Mac, you’ll need to temporarily disable it by running sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Iris.Iris.plist. You can later re-enable by running sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Iris.Iris.plist

Hi SamyKamkar. I dont have Pi only desktop with xubuntu 18.04. I got that problem on both drivers, from You and Inventables. I reinstall xubuntu, try chrome and firefox and the same.

Hi @DebbieLee,
We have not tested new Ubuntu release yet. We plan to do compatibility checks in the near future. There is no plans to test other versions of Ubuntu, including Xubuntu.


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So I shouldn’t try connected to easel on the Raspberry Pi using the chromium browser? My Mac says command not found for ‘ncat’
can you edit the command to use pf?

@DwayneK.Johnson Ahh, looking further it looks like my ncat was installed via nmap from MacPorts. If you run netcat instead of ncat, does that exist or does also need to be installed? I’ll see if there’s a way to rewrite the forwarding with built-in macOS tools…

@HeathJaridLacy @LukeGunnell I’ve updated easel-driver to now support Arduino clones using the CH340 serial chip which you may have been using. The code gets updated to simulate an FTDI chip instead of the CH340 which the Easel software respects.

@DebbieLee We’ve also got confirmation from Hugo that this latest driver is working on Xubuntu and CH340 (please note this is not the official driver).

@SamyKamkar, @HeathJaridLacy , It Works in Raspberry pi 3 by command : curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samyk/easel-driver/master/easel-driver.sh | sh -x

The solution :

npm install socket.io
npm install serialport then cd ~/easel-driver && node iris.js

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@JoseLuisKu btw it should already be running in screen -r after you ran that curl/sh command. Was it not?
You shouldn’t have to do the npm installs, but instead run . ~/.bashrc and that will load nvm/node into your shell so it will find the modules. The screen that runs should already be in that environment, and next time you log in you won’t need to do the . ~/.bashrc either.

Just set up a pi for running my x-carve. Thanks for the github info. Worked like a champ.

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March 2021 – still works.

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March 2023 - still works :slight_smile:

Note that the driver automatically downloads the latest official Inventables Easel driver, then modifies it to work across additional operating systems, controllers, and USB-serial drivers, so while the git repo isn’t being updated it is always using the latest code (you can see it perform the download live during installation).