Extending Drag chain and dewalt router wire

For the life of me I can’t find the thread where the guy extended his x axis drag chain and also extended the dewalt router wires with some connectors. I am wanting to know what connectors he used! Does anyone remember what thread it was or can help me find it?

I feel like it was some sort of Locking XLR connector he used on the dewalt.

This what you are looking for? Wire management - #12 by JacquesBotes

That is it! Thank you!



This is why we cant have nice things…

Wow! Why the steep price up north?

I wish I could tell ya, most likely due to our Canadian Dollar and ridiculously high shipping rates

I live on a massive rock surrounded by multiple oceans.

Well for those in areas that don’t ship you can get a friend to help out. :smiley:
It will not cost less but at least someone can help ship to you.

I do not live on a rock. I live in a sand bowl.

Might want to get the broom out

Will need a very large one!