F-Engrave on OSX

Hm… Everything is fine on my side… maybe the included compiled ttf2cxf_stream is not working on your mac. On terminal you can “cd” into it, for example with cd /Applications/FEngraveMac.app/Contents/Resources. There are the included binaries. With ./ttf2cxf_stream you can start/test the ttf2cxf_stream bin. Something like this should appear:

Usage: ttf2cxf <options> <ttf file> <cxf file>
  ttf file: An existing True Type Font file
  cxf file: The CXF font file to create
options are:
  -s seg_arc_limit               Arc angle approximation limit (double)
  -a author                      Author of the font. Preferably full name and e-mail address
  -l letter spacing              Letter spacing (float)
  -w word spacing                Word spacing (float)
  -f line spacing factor         Default is 1.0 (float)
  -e enable extended characters    

If that works have you installed ttf fonts? I have no clue…

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