Fast or slow nobody knows (Well we don't)

For now, stick with 80IPM, you will be able to bump that up once you get more familiar with how it cuts, for a nice smooth finish, try 5% to 8% stepover. The lower you go the smoother the finish, but the longer it takes…it is a tradeoff.

With the nice low stepover you are removing very little material per pass so speed can go up. Again, try 80, if you and the machine are comfortable go faster :slight_smile:

Awesome, I’ll give that a go once this roughing pass is done. All being well I shall post something pretty looking here in a few hours.

I look forward to seeing it :slight_smile:

Very reassuring. I’ll do my best to ignore it then. I was just worried that it was something that I was doing wrong. Thank you!

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I’m afraid I’m going to have to keep you waiting a little longer (and possibly get some more help). I’ve had to switch to oak, I planed the beech out of existence, and I’m now experiencing a very different issue. I believe that the Y axis skipped a tooth but just on one of the steppers. Part way through the print everything shifted a little and my raster paths started coming out at and angle rather than perpendicular.

I was using the initial recommended speeds and feeds for the roughing pass you gave me and while there was a good deal of chatter it appeared to be cutting just fine. Something however, is obviously still up. Any thoughts?

Verify that your belts are the tight and the same for both sides of the Y. Check your wiring and make sure everything is good for the stepper motors.

You will get there…keep at it.

So it looks like a number of our grub screws have gone strangely missing. I have no idea how this may have happened but I guess I now need to source some new ones.

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Make sure to use blue loctite to keep them in there.

What’re your thoughts on keying the steppers before I do that?

What do you mean?

Something like was done by the guy in this forums post:

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If the shafts of your steppers do not have a flat spot I would definitely add one. Then make sure one of the grub screws sits on that spot.

Mine all came with the flat side.