FB stories maybe aren't the best way to post contest details


Just a thought, when Inventables posts a contest as a Facebook story (instead of a normal timeline post) you only have around 15 seconds to read that story and no way to pause. This means your audience might have to play the story over and over again to get the details. I’ll be the first to admit I really don’t see the point of FB stories in general, but would suggest that anything showing details to read shouldn’t be posted as a FB story.

I don’t do Facebook is there something we should know here?

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Same here!
What’s up?

In this case just a quick post a picture of your workshop on Instagram contest, but you’ve got to be quick to catch the details.

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I guess that does me no good. Seems they would post that stuff here!

Exactly, I don’t do any social media.

I wouldn’t do social media on bet…

Hi @StevePrior - all of our Instagram stories automatically post to Facebook. If you “hold” the photo while watching the story (like you can do on Instagram), it will pause it so you can read it. Hope that helps!
