Feature Requests - Search by Workpiece, Search by Notes

  1. I would love to be able to search by workpiece name natively in Easel. A lot of times I’ll have 10-15 designs in a project, all completely different. It would be great to be able to quickly search for these.

  2. I’d also love to be able to search within the notes of the workpieces in Easel.

  3. It would be great if you could right-click on a project in the project explorer and open in a new tab. Simple thing, but boy it would be nice, especially if you have a search already and want to open several projects.

  4. See all thumbnails for a project on the search pane. It would awesome to quickly toggle through the workpiece thumbnails to see if its the right one or not.



Easel doesn’t open a new browser tab when you select an existing project to open? Mine always opens a new tab…


Brandon Parker

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Well it does open one at a time In a new tab, but then closes that “open” popup from the original tab, so if i want to open. 10 different project files I still have to do 10 searches for the file name… since it minimized my “open” popup each time.

I guess if you want to open several files from the group produced by a specific search then keeping the project selection window makes sense.

I guess I just normally remember what I have named projects, so I tend not to have issues finding them.

Either way, updates are always great as long as they lead to productivity increases for everyone… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :wink:


Brandon Parker

Lol, not saying it’s the most critical of requests, but one of those little annoyances that should be easy to fix. ( Or so I think )

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