First pass much deeper than next pass

I think this could be the issue. I have noticed when I’m cutting plywood at 1/2" or 3/4" I get no problems going into my waste board. But when I did this thicker 1.5" walnut, it went into the wasteboard a good 3mm. I’m wondering if I “crashed” into my z height and it didn’t set right, thus carving deeper…I’lle experiment tomorrow.

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It is…open your gcode in any text editor. You’ll see a few lines of the Z ramping down (as you have set), and then it’ll settle and not change the Z until the next pass. You should see that first Z in your first several lines (Line 8 on the current, 2mm version)

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cool. thank you.

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Did you get this resolved? What was it?

I cant say the issue was resolved by me, but easel has had some updates since the original post. i have not been doing a lot of cutting lately and have just been aware of the possible issue.