HalAir Projects Log / Diary

Long term project: A miniature turbine for RC use.
Why dont buy one ready to fly? I want to build it :slight_smile: I will probably need help during the process though :wink:

The turbine is a Gerard Rutten (NL) GR130 design which again is an improved/optimized version of the old KJ66 turbine that really was the pioneer of RC turbines (kerosene)

The first part to be milled is the diffusor shown here, its function is to divert the compressed air into the combustion chamber. In front of this there will be a KKK or Garrett turbine wheel.

I am drawing it all in Fusion360 in order to get more comfortable with the program and also generating good CNC-code:

This is what I hope to end up with:

Not my render but this image show the internals of the turbine. The diffusor can be seen following the intake on the left.