Help with designing

Please, is there anyone who can help me with how to put
various pictures of my basic image


How are creating your graphic? in Easel or inkscape?

I think the problem comes when you use the “combine”

no combine
my hearts

I inported the pattern from a PDF file to inkscape and then save as SVG

How did you do that ?
I have not combine it before

In inkscape use the “Break Apart” or “Ungroup” to ensure all elements are separate

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I did that but nothing happen
I still got the same results

I did ungroup but got the same results
I can´t find where to break apart
Please show me

Also try selecting all and un-grouping 4 of 5 times, PDFs can be strange sometimes

I think I found the Break apart but it is in Swedish
Should I break apart in inkscape ?
Or someplace else

In Inkscape, select all and then break apart

Sorry I couldn`t break it apart in inkscap

Can you post the SVG here, just drag and drop it in a reply

yes sir
hang on

Sorry I couldn´t drag and drop it
I think I´m the most idiot here :frowning:


Try this


How did you that ?

Open you SVG in inkscape
Select all [control a]
with all selected ungroup
now click on empty part of screen
click on graphic and drag, you should see 2 parts
1 of them is the image file

Delete the image

now select the graphic and break apart