Hi, very new to cnc and easel in general. I have a design in inkscape that Ive gotten comfortable enough with the conversion of objects to path as well as when needed converting stroke to path. I have one layer I was able to hide and it wouldn’t import, however, all other layers regardless of whether or not they are hidden still import. Doing some testing the layer that can turn off are all paths just like the ones I cannot turn off (hidden but still imports). Objects that I did not convert to paths yet seem to be able to hide and not import as expected, but the paths in that layer are still imported regardless whether the layer is hidden or not. What am I doing wrong that is making the hidden Layers paths still import into easel?
Found something peculiar. So there is a single layer that for some reason or another I can hide, and it won’t import. The other layers, when hidden still import, however, I can select all objects in the layer and hide them and it will not import these. At this point, I’m not sure if its an issue with inkscape, or easel’s importing, but at least there is a work around.