Home and Away

I agree I’ve been using an x-carve for about 9 months now with my robotics team. I generally just cringe when seeing the kids just push the entire carriage out of the way… in their defense they learned it from me before i figured out you could blow the stepper motor controllers. so yeah immediately after a carve we have to re-open the carve dialog again and type in something like 20in and send the router to the back.

I realize that there are UGS options and I just figured out that Machine inspector exists (thanks Ray). But in the interest of not trying to make things too complicated we’re sticking to using easel at the moment. We generate g-code in fusion 360 and are finally getting to the point where we can cut what we want quickly and reliably. one thing at a time…

I’d find it to be super useful at the end, in the same dialog box that asks if everything turned out okay.