How do I find the width of a cut in someone else's project

I am making this project but wish to modify it a little. Easel - Heart shaped box with basic lid

This requires me to know the width of the cuts.

How do I figure that out for this irregular shape?

What do you mean by “width of cut”?

How wide the black line is. As indicated in this picture in the yellow: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

The black line thickness is the same as the diameter of the bit.
The gray area varies around the heart in that design.

The black line is a function of the width of the bit selected, here as 1/8" per Easel bit info.
If you choose a larger bit the black line change accordingly.

The design width is 4".

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As they stated above, when I need measure something I use the “line tool” or the “Square or circle” and size it to the area I am trying to measure. I zoom in real close and adjust to get it exact.

Thank you for the solutions.