How fast can I go?

How fast can I push this thing?
I mean, I’m doing straight cuts and pockets in white pine, with a 1/4" upcut bit. Sometimes a compression bit.

The automatic settings are 12000rpm at 140 in/min. During a cut, I’ve boosted it up to 50% higher, and this thing still cuts like butter.

So, how do I know if I’m putting too much stress on the bit? or the machine?

I’d think Inventables would have some kinda chart, for all the different kinds of bits, showing what they can handle. Does such a document exist?

there is so much variants at play, no, no such document exists. Everybody’s scenario will differ.

Material Density
Bit Specs
Cut Settings (Rpm, Feedrate, whether it’s a slot with 100% bit engagement or a thinner edge stepover with less material engagement, etc)
These things and more come into play that will cause variation. Learning the machine and its limits will be key to expediting carve times to the extreme.

You might be wrong that no such doc exists, Seth…

this is not specific to your machine. the data may be as a reference, but not absolute and should not be used as a go-to until verified, you will want to test, learn about chipload and chatter and document your results until you learn the machine capabilities and operate within them.

furthermore, that is not a document, so it is still possible that such a document does not exist :man_shrugging: and that’s not from inventables either,sooo

While you may have ordered a machine bearing “pro” within its nomenclature, it is still a hobbyist level machine and requires such care and learning curve of a hobbyist

Wow…that’s a lot of good viewing.
Thank you very much for posting those!

Useful for me too - THANK YOU Seth!!

I’m still climbing the learning curve and these vids will be very helpful. Thus far it’s been a large pile of firewood & wooddust that has been the teacher, these should help save time and wood in my shop.

I’ve been saying for a while now, I wish Inventables would start an “Inventables University” with hands on classes a couple/few times a year, held at their location (or one that can accommodate). Those who can afford the airfare, lodging and food to be there ‘in-person’ would get ACTUAL ‘hands-on’ experience. Those who cannot get be there in-person will get VIRTUAL ‘eyes on’ experience. either way, a lot of learning - back AND forth - can take place. I say “back and forth” because this is exactly what I did in my 20-year career with the company for which I worked recently before deciding to start a woodworking business. I created the content and taught such in-person hands-on classes. Free of charge to any customers willing to come. this was HUGELY popular with our customers and attendance grew each quarter. But our company took away nearly as much valuable knowledge as our customers did. They [customers] learned more about how to effectively use our products, we learned where the ‘pain points’ were and how to make the products better meet customer needs, as what features were helpful, which were not, and what features needed to be added. It was also a wonderful alpha testing ground for new products (last day of the Tec/training forums were always new concept rollouts where customers would try the concepts and offer invaluable feed-back. A company simply cannot get that from an online 'round table/forum - folks just need to be in the room if you want their undivided attention. This is why that company was and still is still today, the industry leader in its space. Of course, the customer loyalty that such interactions provide is priceless.

But for now, I’ll keep learning the hard way, and VERY MUCH appreciate videos like this where you and others share their experience and hurdles along your individual paths to success. I love this forum, reminds me that I’m not alone in this daunting forest of the unknown.

thank you again and be careful out there.


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