How to generate a rough and detail cut in Easel Pro

Now that I’m making more complex cuts, I would like to enable a two stage cut, but am not able to get rough/detail grbl to generate. I’ve only been able to get detail, which works, but would like to understand the process to generate them. Thanks.

Two-Stage Carves (Roughing and Detail Carves) – Inventables

I followed your directions and added the detail bit. Now it allows me to generate the roughing gcode. Everything looks great

once i open this gcode in openbuilds, it does open it, but nothing shows up to cut.

this is what i ran into when i started last month, so i gave up on rough cuts. I am able to get the detail cut to load and cut just fine, just wonder what I’m missing. thanks

Did you get two different files of gcode from Easel? When i generated gcode for a part of mine it turns into two different files.

There is a program called NC Viewer. I might try that too.

NC Viewer // GCode Viewer and Machine Simulator

I use UGS for control, you might want to consider that one too. They are all similar to each other but I haven’t had any problem with Easel Code in UGS.

i never checked the actual contents of the rough gcode file, it was empty! the detail is normal and works fine. I’ve never been able to create roughing gcode successfully since i started using easel, I must be doing something wrong. I setup the two bits and build normally, but something else must be missing.

You might want to check the process you are using.

Here is my part. You can see the two bits used at the top right:

When I click on download gcode, you can see that there are two files.

screenshot 2

The files are zipped, clicking on open produces this:

thank you again for taking the time to help. your setup looks like mine but I must be doing something wrong setting up the bits. I’ll start over and show you how i setup. this is the original, single bit grbl that works fine.

then i click on the + and attempt to add the detail bit.

it shows roughing and detail so I assume its ready to generate two gcodes. is there another step I’m missing? i just download the gcode like you do and the rough is always empty file? so wierd

It looks like you need to change your roughing bit, as it says it is a V bit. It’s either that or some glitch is changing your straight to V for roughing. How wide can you go on the roughing bit? Is the actual measurement of the line in the object smaller than the bit you are trying to use?

that was no mistake, i was experimenting with a V bit for some other work, so i just kept it as I didnt know if it mattered, apparently it does! I’ll change it back to the regular.

that didnt work. so i went back to SIMPLE bit settings without success?? so strange. I removed the second bit and save it, was fine.
using a 1/8 in bit.
generates grbl just fine. i click the + and add the 1/16 bit for detail.
it shows the two bits in the cut settings…
same result, empty (null) rough cut gcode. so do you see any flaw in my configuration?

Is it possible that you don’t need the smaller diameter detail bit for that carve? If you want to share the file, I can try it out and see what I get.

thanks again for the help. this simple cut is just to learn how to generate rough and detail cuts. I kept it simple just to figure it out. the real project is huge and complex. I’ve been able to cut that ok with just a single grbl, but need to understand the mechanics of a complex cut. Hope that makes sense. BTW other than the actual grbl files how would i share the project?


share 2

thanks, see if you can open that - are you a Easel support employee or like me, a user.

I’m just a semi easel user. I changed to cut on the line and used straight bits. I get two files.

One was null.

I suspect the bit selection may have something to do with all this and you are in metric using imperial sizes?

Enlarging the Egg and converting to inches and using imperial bits still gets me a null folder.

going to clear out pocket gets two gcode files.

So I’m thinking bit selection should be appropriate in metric for metric and cut path will generate a roughing cut/ detailed cut if it is needed for your bit selections. It won’t automatically make two files apparently unless it sees the need.

So you aren’t doing anything wrong except expecting two files… I think…LOL