Import file error message

Hello all,

another day, another hurdle/issue/problem. I am attempting to make french drawer tool inlays (at least I believe that is what they call them) to hold my tools in the drawers for my cnc cabinets. I own a Shaper Trace to create the vector files. The files are created for the various tools, but when I attempt to import the file, I get an error code. 'Retry" simply gives me the same error message. Unfortunately, as appears with most error messages, it does not tell me WHAT the problem is, so I have no idea what to look for in order to rectify the problem and get the file into Easel.
Any suggestions as to where to start to solve this problem?

(PS, I’ve been saying this to anyone who will listen for a decade now; If you a computer programmer and want to be wealthy beyond your imagination, ‘finish’ what Bill Gates and Steve Jobs started. Create a program that takes such an error message like this one, and then just does whatever needs to be done so that the user need not be smarter than the computer. What good is an error message if a computer is supposed to be working FOR the user? Instead of an error message, a simple pop-up that explains what needs to be done, and then a simple “would you like to proceed? yes/no?” THAT will FINALLY make the computer an actual useful tool to tens of million non programmer users.
I, along with tens of millions of other computer users, would buy that program in a heart beat)

Please ignore. I found another way to import the file.

My original frustration remains, what good is an error message if it won’t tell the error? and if computers are so helpful, why can’t they do the thing that needs to be done?

ah well, such is life (until someone more intelligent than I comes along and follows my advice).

back to work

Of course, the next problem is this; once imported, the cut options do not exist. The only option that I have is to cut out the object. I do not want to cut out the object. I want to clear the pocket. Is there a way of bringing the cut options back?

Here is one of the basic images:

I see two open paths in your design. I think you need to close the vectors in an SVG editing tool and then re-import. Once you have one, or more, closed shapes you should be able to clear out a pocket.

thanks Sam.