Intarsia base for bird feeder

A bird feeder in oak, black walnut and bloodwood.


Individual parts. The finials and domes of course were turned. I went through a phase of forcing myself to figure out everything for X-Carve but got over that.

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Beautiful, how did you do the inlay work on the curved top?

It’s actually not inlay. It’s solid all the way through. The top is something 80 wedges glued together into a disk. The bottom is 48. I turned the final profile on a lathe.

The base is 8 wedges so the grain would radiate out and I zeroed to the center.

Wow, that is even more impressive. Do you know the final design you will get after turning when you glue the wedges together?

in this case, yes. Looking at it from the top, it had the same pattern.

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Where are you sourcing those beautiful pieces of wood, in NYC I could buy a car with what that would cost me to make :frowning:

I’m very fortunate to have access to Atlanta Hardwoods. They carry 8/4 planks of woods from all over the world. I’ve got some small pieces of indian rosewood and gaboon ebony that I hoard and only use for special projects with inlay.

I made these tea boxes with veneers that I sliced off of bigger pieces.


You do really beautiful work.

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Kind of you to say. Thank you

Beautiful work. Truly inspirational. Both the bird feeder and the tea boxes are simply amazing. Keep up the good work!