Inventables Project List Suggestions

I’d like to make a few suggestions to the projects list section of your site. I suppose of my suggestions may already be available, I just don’t know where/how to access.

  • It would be great if the list was searchable. Also, a way to add categories or tags to projects to make a more confident search possible.

  • Provide a way to mark ‘I’ve made this’ with a simple picture and not an entire new project.

  • A way to mark a project as ‘spam’ or otherwise for Inventable’s review. I’ve scrolled past many that are nothing more than external links that have nothing to do with actual projects.



This is a 3rd party site. It is only as current as the most recent crawl and none of the other features can be implemented that he has mentioned.

Adding this functionality to the inventables project page would be relatively straight forward for the most part.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. We hear you and we’re working on getting these prioritized!