It is a Wolf

being from Montana had to do a Wolf


Looks nice.

reminds me of the turtle I did earlier this week

I like the turtle. It would look nice next my pool.

happy to trade projects, id love a copy if the wolf

send me an address and I mail one to you.

Here is a free butterfly project for Vcarve

butterfli2.crv (1.5 MB)

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here is the svg file. I made the project public(didnt know you could) anyone can have gcode to any project I make. Share and share alike.

Sorry for the delay.

Source JPG.

wow. Easel and have no issues with that file, but Inkscape and VCarve really hate it. It’s really strange that two apps that I’d expect not to choke on an SVG do.

is it common knowledge that you can view any picture on your pc monitor then hit the print screen key to capture it. Then you go into paint type program and paste it. you cut you want and trow away the rest. Voila you have a jpg file, you then save it as a bmp file and then take it into Inkspace and create a svg. then you take in into Easel to create a sign. I have left out the maybe needed editing. but you can do in a few minutes. I saw a graphic of R2D2 and a few minutes later I had a 3 foot tall svg ready to carve.

I’m glad you got that out of your system, can we get back to trading carving stories now?