Jog buttons not working

I have a problem with a Lunyee 3018 Pro Max I just bought. I am running Easel on a Windows 10 PC.

  1. When I hit the jog buttons non of the axis move.
  2. When I start to carve non of the axis mover nor does the spindle run
  3. I have an older machine and I am getting the same results except I am able to get the spindle to turn on.
  4. I am getting the same results when using OpenBuilds and Candle

What should I check to try and determine what is causing the problem? Thanks.

I just used my 3018 this morning. I use UGS ( universal Gcode sender) platform build. It works and has Jog control on the screen. I’d try that. You can set up Easel to your machine, then use UGS.

Jog control greyed out · Issue #576 · winder/Universal-G-Code-Sender

Thanks Martin. I downloaded and installed UGS but got the same results.

So the jog buttons on the window don’t work, or the keys on the keyboard don’t work?

Did you do set up through easel and download all the new driver software?

Neither the buttons or the keys work. I downloaded from Easel and loaded the latest driver version, 0.4.4.
Is there somewhere in Easel I can see any error codes or run my own commands to see if I can manually move the Axis?

but ugs connects?

It sounds like the machine is communicating with the software, but only the Z is responding? You cannot get the X and Y motors to turn at all? Does the machine move when you press Home, or just the Z again?

If this machine is new to you and was recently moved, I would start with the basics, and check all of your wire connections. Something is not seated properly.

Unfortunately the Z axis also does not move. Only the spindle runs on one of my machines.

I’ve checked the wiring a number of time by pulling out each one and putting it back. If I understand how the machine functions I would expect at least one of the moters to move.

You said you just bought it, Has the 3018 ever run at all? Is it new,or used? I might consider buying a replacement controller. They are about 30 dollars or so.

I bought it new a couple of weeks ago. A few times I have gotten the spindle to run but I have had no luck with any of the step motors. Also, it has an offline controller and that does no work either.

I’m not getting any error messages so I’m trying to figure out the gcode it appears to be sending to the machine in case that gives me a clue.

Again…just wondering if you have Easel and Candle on the same computer. I wonder if there are conflicts between them. I might uninstall Candle and Easel and any other senders you have on there,and then go through set up again Via Easel. Going through Easel will allow you to test the motors and directions they move. You must download the current drivers for Easel and they are zipped so you have to unzip them. I’d unplug the offline controller and only mess with that if you get up and running. You need the USB in the controll box and the computer. Other than that, I’d communicate with the vendor.