Just bought the 4th axis. Need advice on connection

I did run a job and it came out perfect.
All my hard work went rewarded. :slight_smile:


So cool, and great job by you of working through the issues. I will have to follow your lead on this someday.

What was your final pulse number for the Mach 3 pulse setting?

Allow me to expand upon my previous question. What were your final settings for your Mach 3 setup page regarding your 4th axis. I realize that not all units will have the same exact settings but this will help as a baseline for my setup.

Sorry but I am not ignoring you. I will need to look.
I have not been able to do much as I am on night watch now and sleep during the day.
When I go look I will report back what settings I used and screen shots.
I remembered following a video that lead me to my settings.
I am using a TB6600 driver and I will get you the dip settings as well.

Ok I fired up the mac3 software and took 4 screen shots of what I use. You were asking about the Rotary axis which I set as A. The ratio on the gears on the rotary chuck side are 6:1

Thanks alot! I don’t need to tell you how much grief this is going to save me from. I took a closer look at your unit and it appears to be the same one as I have.

Glad it will help you.
the unit i have as stated uses a 6:1 gear reduction. If yours does too then the settings should be close match.

Do you have a condensed list of hardware, software and setup parameters you used to achieve this? I’m new to CNC in the last couple months. I’m familiar with vcarve pro and have done quite a bit of 3D carving. I’d like to look at a 4th axis, bit have a hard time following this thread not being familiar with the daughter boards etc that you guys reference. Any doc is really appreciated!

