Awesome! So, in my question, I was wondering if I was correct in that the “touch plate” allows one to set the reference point. I was trying to figure out if I understood Patrick’s post… trying to get my vocabulary straight.
It will help you set the zero point for Z height for the “work coordinate system” it is very useful. But it isn’t really about setting up G28 which is a fixed position in space on your machine.
Thank you for the clarification/correction. It all still “full of stars” for me at the moment. Making progress albeit slowly.
THis is something i have been meaning to do. Would make things so much easier.
@PhilJohnson notes on the probe. Sometimes good things come to those who wait.
@PhilJohnson You could always make your own taller Y-Axis end plates. Mine work great out of 1/4" aluminum.
You Sir are a gentleman and a scholar. This guide should be included as a pdf for anyone that buys an x-carve. I went from feeling like a total idiot and ready to burn my machine to being excited about carving again. Thanks bruh
Thanks man i really appreciate it! Let me know if there are any ideas for anything else like this that would be useful for people.
Is it possible to set up g28 with Easel?
This topic makes so a lot more sense now that I have more experience with cnc carving.
I ended up re-reading the whole thing and took more from it this time.
You can use intermediate points with G28.
Let’s say my end mill is at X150 Y80 Z3, and my G28 location is X0 Y0 Z50. I can specify an intermediate point when using G28 to make my Z move straight up.
G28 X150 Y80 Z50
will move my end mill to X150 Y80 Z50 before continuing to X0 Y0 Z50
If you don’t specify an X & Y it will only move the Z, and not continue on to X0 Y0.
G28 Z50
will just raise your Z. Follow that with a G28
and you’re right where you want without crashing.
Another way would be to use G53 Z-10
to raise your Z to 10mm (I’m assuming mm) below the Z limit. Then use G28.
Even better, just set your work zero to where your work zero is. Home, set Z, and carve. (I don’t use Easel)
That is some useful info Neil.
I use G28 as my work zero but with Z near the top. When the carve is done the spindle is at that location except only at the safety Z height. I enter a G28 command and it raises, then I send a G30 command and it moves back and right out of the way. Change my material send G28n again and it is back above zero.
UGS & Picsender as well.
Been Looking at Picsender but can’t figure out how to do macros. Not mentioned in the PicSender Tutorial.
I may have overlooked it,but would I program the g30 command same as g28? move machine to location then send g30.1? Thanks in advanced!
Thank you!