Looking for enclosure for PC, not Xcarve

I have several workers in my shop, and at various times the drum sander, belt sander, and/or random orbital are running, which naturally will put some fine dust into the air.

My XCarve PC is breathing all of this.
Anyone have any ideas, of an enclosure for the computer tower, not the XCarve?

I tried a number of things. For a while, I had a rubber membrane keyboard. I had to replace a Dell power supply that sucked in too much dust. My latest attempt was to buy a fanless PC.

It hangs on the monitor support arm behind the monitor. There is no place of dust to enter.

No, no…I’m not talking about my PC, that’s running Easel.
I’m talking about an enclosure of some sort, for the tower unit, that’s running the XCarve. You know…the black unit with all the cables plugged in.


two comments as a reply: first, but last in order of importance; I made a full set of cabinets to fit under my custom-made modular bench (I can dissemble so that when I outgrow my shop (hoping), I can move it all as separate units. I made a cabinet to house the main computer. Used cabinetmaker to build it. Included holes in the back for airflow.

more importantly is the ‘dust’ that you mentioned. If you are getting a lot of dust on your computer, you are working in a hazardous environment. I do not want to get preachy here, so I’ll keep it short. PLEASE consider improving your dust collection.

I moved into my shop last July. I spend more than six months on building my dust collection. This includes a 3-HP high-volume / low pressure dust collection with HEPS filtration, as well as a low-volume / high-pressure cyclone two-stage collector (also with HEPA filtration) for the CNC and drops at all of my workstations for handheld power tools.
I believe that I have achieved 90-95% collection “At the source”, but 5-10% dust in the air is still unacceptable to me, so there is a high-volume HEPA air filter hanging in my shop.

it may be paranoia, but I also wear MSA respirators whenever I think that there may be dust escaping into the air (such as hand-held sanders etc…).

Far too many of our compatriots have died from respiratory diseases to wave off shop air quality concerns.

which brings me the sub-par dust shoe/boot on the X-Carve Pro. This is simply inadequate, and I am looking at aftermarket options, as well as designing my own (in and around the hundreds of other items on my daily “to-do” list).