I need to know how to make a half circle. I have seen info on putting a square over the circle and then setting the square to zero. This will not work for me, as I am making a outside cut on a guitar pickup. Setting the square to zero does not allow the rectangle part (that the circle is over) to be cut. Is there anyway other way to make a half circle without blotting out existing lines that are above/below the circle?I wanted to post a picture, but was unsure how.
I’m not totally sure what you’re trying to make, but it sounds like you might just want to combine a circle and a rectangle. Something like this?
If you are making a standard humbucker or single coil rout, you can get the dxf drawings online, If you are doing something really custom, you can take the pen tool and turn straight lines into curves.
This German site is very good.
Stencils and Drawings - GitarreBassBau.de