Math problem here

And I wish I had the opportunity to take a shop class!

I am not sure but i think the 8.56" will make the center to tall. He wants the top of the pyramid to be only 1" tall. I could be wrong i uess i need to cut 3 and see. My wife says i should have taken typing and i think see is right.

Oops! I calculated for a pyramid with a square base.
Should be 5.01".
Hereā€™s the correct formula:

No problem i just thought it sounded to tall.

Edited my previous reply with the correct value: 5.01"

I was thinking around 5" but was not sure. I thought i would cut them with a 90 degree v bit and they might be a bit easier to put together. Thanks for all of your help Neil and i will let you know how they turn out.

No problem. Iā€™m curious how it turns out.

I wouldnā€™t do that as the angles are probably in the single digitsā€¦have him sand them.

I figured there would not be much of an angle but i thought it might help. thanks

Will try for this one surely. :slight_smile: