MDF Doors are Fuzzy

I am trying to make MDF shaker cabinets doors. For right now I’m just using a 1/4, 2 flute downcut bit. I plan to buy the 4 bit shaker door set soon.

The panel comes out extremely furry and no amount of sanding helps.

Can anyone tell me how to get a smooth surface?

Hit it with a primer or glue water then sand

In general MDF can be difficult to get smooth but there are ways. One of them is to spray a layer of sanding primer. This will allow your grain to break off rather than getting bent down when sanding. Multiple coats may be required. You can also try a Shellac if you don’t plan to paint it for whatever reason but it would also work if painting.

Whichever method you intend to use, the point is to snap this fuzzies off rather than pushing them flat which is what traditional sanding is accomplishing and why you can get it smooth.

Make sure you are using a good quality MDF. Some of the stuff at the home centres is pretty poor quality. Phone around, see if you can find some cabinet shop quality MDF. Not much more expensive, makes a big difference. I use Ranger Board or Plum Creek

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