New machine setup

A familiar question perhaps… I’ve just purchased a Sainsmart Genmitsu PROVer XL 4030 V2. Can someone advise on which machine settings to use since this model is not listed by Easel under new machine settings? I’ve input the work area, but not sure what to use for ‘Spindle Controlled By’, Manual or Automatic.
The machine also Homes to the back left corner - why would it do that?


If you have a spindle that can be controlled offline with the little handheld choose automatic. Im not sure what you have for belts or lead screws but there is a 3rd party 3018. Check your manual for settings. They can be changed manually in easel

Thanks Martin, the spindle is now running fine. Any ideas on why the machine Homes in the wrong place and how I can change that?

Traditionally, cnc machines homed to the back right I believe. You can change the homing direction in the settings.



Grbl settings in easel and how to change them pt 1

As a CNC machinist in an aircraft manufacturing company, all the machines I have used have ‘homed’ on the rear left of the machine, as this is technically the machine zero points, and leaves the worktable accessible from the front without having to move the heads, ( some industrial CNC machines have pallet loading/unloading, and these movements can often be done by the code in the CNC programming, so heads need to be clear of moving tables/pallets for safety reasons) Also, from the home point, both axis will be positive movements to get to the workpiece. it should be possible to reset the home positions from within the settings, (I have a Genmitsu 3018PROver V2 at home, and that homes rear left. Read any CNC instructions, as its possible to alter home position, but depends on the machine.)

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Thank you, problem resolved.