New web-based CAM Slicer, GCode toolpath generator

@GeoffSteer thanks, again. that’s really helpful. I’m away for a few days, but this is still top of my todo list.

@GeoffSteer this may be fixed. please check.

@StewartAllen. As long as there was a tool 1, it worked OK.
I’ve just done a test by removing tool 1 and adding it as tool 4 and I can slice and save the resulting gcode without problem.
Thanks for the quick response.

Love your tool. I am still noob, and learning how to mill. Your tool got all simple and useful for me. I am still testing, and I had no problems. I tested your tool on my Android tablet, it worked good. That bought me. Kiri:Moto + Easel is killer combo.

I like your app because it is simple, easy to use, got all what I need, nice and fast to learn and more than useful.

Hope that you will make offline tool too-Windows or Linux (Ubuntu), I don’t care about platform, or offline browser based.
Thumbs up, all the best.

@Vlada thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you like it. Offline would be a challenge given the architecture. But maybe in the future after the code settles down and I’m making fewer updates that would make sense to explore.

Thanks for the quick answer. I will keep using the tools and learning. I am sharing the tool to. Can’t wait your new ideas and upgrades. If I come up with some more ideas, I will share them here too, to help you with inspiration if you need sometimes. :slight_smile:

Keep up with good work.

What am I doing wrong if the router just starts cutting in the air and not on the surface of the material?


by default, z=0 is set to the top of the object being cut. this is controlled with the “origin top” checkbox under the bottom/right “Output” settings. if you want z=0 to be the surface of the table, uncheck that.

Still loving this tool, but now more than ever would REALLY like a way to define stock size and a corner origin.

@RogerAndre Ok, on it.

making progress. stock / origin updates working, but it broke cutout tabs. working to fix that and depth-first and then i’ll release the update.

Thanks! Really appreciate your efforts on this.

I’ve posted the new code with stock support. It has a re-write of tabs and the depth-first cutting. I’m a little nervous with the amount of code change since the last update. But I’ve run it through the use cases that I think are most likely impacted and it looks good to me. Please let me know what I missed.

I’ll be posting a YouTube video showing the new code in action. You can probably figure it out without my help, though.

@StewartAllen I stumbled across this about a year ago and walked away as I had much to learn about milling. I made my way back after frustrations with a problem I’ve been having. I am impressed with the improvements…great work!
Quick question…I may be missing something, but is it possible to drag the model(s) around the workspace? I was able to move it by pressing Alt+arrow, but that also led me to go back in my browser, losing my work.
Any more plans in the development?

@NeilFerreri1 I removed the ability to manually place objects in CAM after I added the stock controls and the ability to have more than one object on the bed at at time. The stock controls should be used to control offsets. If you want 0,0 to be lower left, uncheck ‘origin center’.

@StewartAllen Changing the stock size seems to have no effect on origin. Exports always use the machine origin as the work origin. Thanks!

correct. you can use the gcode header to apply any transforms to workspace. but ‘origin center’ and ‘origin top’ set 0,0 relative to stock.

@StewartAllen OK, my typical workflow would be to home the machine, jog to my desired part zero (usually lower left corner), and set my offsets using a G10 L20. Right now, the toolpaths generated all have the lower left of the machine as the work zero. Is there a way to set my work zero as my stock zero (lower left)?

@NeilFerreri1 can you just skip the G10 offset? Home the machine to the z-top and lower-left of the part stock and the gcode will run from there properly.

@StewartAllen Thanks again for getting back with me. Home is where the homing limit switches are. Regardless of my stock size in Kiri:Moto, the code has the part zero at the machine’s lower left. NOT at the stock lower left.