New X-Carve launched today!

I don’t see anything different about the Z limit switch, but I’m guessing what’s different about the X and Y switches is actually the sleeve around the screw the switch presses against. Maybe that sleeve is there so the carriage will crash into the sleeve before it crushes the switch and that’s what’s new. The only switch I ever crushed was the Z one, fixed it with hot glue to get me going again, bought a bunch of replacement switches, and still haven’t installed any because the hot glue patched one is still working fine.

Looking at the new X-Carve video one thing I did notice is that the new Z probe socket on the X carriage is going to get in the way for lots of designs for mounting arms for dust boots, including my personal favorite the Suckit.

@PhilJohnson a screenshot of the stop bolt (M3 bolt fits) that Phil is talking about.


@PhilJohnson we had to roll in some of the changes due to inventory levels and reorder volumes.

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@AntonioSantiago and @Phantomm, these x-carves are kit CNC machines, designed to get you started and teach you about the basics of CNC and their inner workings. They also provide you a pretty good machine for hobby use, and if you are willing to make a few tweaks (many of them a few bucks and a few minutes of your time), they can get you a really accurate machine that is probably on par with a machine you’d pay many times the price for. It’s cool that inventables is rolling some of the popular upgrades into the new version, but I’d caution you from thinking you can throw money at a problem and make it go away, when really even the newer x-carve will still be the kit described above with the same overall goal, just with slightly improved tweaks.

As others have said, don’t give up. Use the forums to learn, research, and ask for help. Many x carves in the wild give the kind of results you’re after, and yours will too, just take the time.

Sorry this is off topic of the announced changes, but my point is it’s unrealistic to think that this newly-updated kit will be free from the kind of tweaking that’s needed in the legacy kits. It’s part of the learning process. My 2 cents.


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Thanks. Very aware. Still expecting a cnc mfg to sell square parts. or else make it out of wood. :rolling_eyes:

Awesome. Have ordered and ready for the upgrade.

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When will be available in Europe the new XCrave?


wow just order an x crave last week, would have been nice to be told about the new improved version, but the old one is cheaper so oh well.

1.) Are ALL of the ends for the drag chains patterned with the same hole sizing and spacing to fit the X-carve?

2.) Also, are the hole sizes and spaces the same on the new X-Carve, as was for the old?

Well said :thumbsup:

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Cannot disagree. They have replaced every defective part i got including some warped extrusions.
However i am extremely frustrated that im unable to proceed to the next level of production in my shop, as are the people whom i employ to keep ot running. I now require the level of precision that was promised and am not getting it. I am extremely familiar with the machine now and i would like for it to work but im now at my wits end. I follow everybodys tips and guidelines but still nothing. My last batch of products could have all been done by hand but it saved time and fingers being done on the machine.
Thanks all for the help… will keep trying.


The drag chain ends are custom for Inventables. Most drag chains have holes side by side instead of inline like ours. We did this so they could mount to the extrusions with no extra parts. Each drag chain has an inside and an outside end link. It is the same for all locations and sizes.

We do not have drawings, but the links are on the master step file.

2 (holes and spaces) The parts are backward compatible. The only holes that changed are the mounting holes for some switches. We have been shipping those for a while. The drawings are in the public repo.


@Zach_Kaplan - Has Inventables created new assembly videos for the new X Carve version?


Ooh yes good point.
Plz advise @Zach_Kaplan.

Thank You.

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@MarcCohen this time they are going to be text and pictures. We had a number of complaints with the videos because if we make any changes the videos are out of date even if we add warnings to the page.

I’m not sure how deep they are tapped but the hole goes all the way through. We shipped with thread forming screws so they should go all the way in.

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Heads up yall!!! when installing the new x rail make sure to flip over the limit switch so the lever roller will line up with the slot.

I’m gonna take a risk on this one. I know people are talking about doing this internally but I don’t know how fast their progress is. Some people in this community might have good contributions for “gotchas” or things that our team isn’t thinking about. For example if you’ve done mods or perhaps you have more experience with the machine than the two people from our Customer Success team we have working on the instructions

Anyone from the forum interested in contributing to this shared doc?

There are many sources of insight and intelligence on this forum. Could the people on this forum make a better set of upgrade instructions than our own internal team?

I’m gonna start a separate thread to repeat this post.


Its rough Draft