[NOW LIVE] [new feature] G-code sending through easel

Anyone having trouble using the gcode importer for PhotoVCarve. I’ve found that if you delete the 2 lines relating to “ARC_CENTRE” it will work fine.

Delete these 2 lines from the pre-processor


Hi could you explain how to get to the pre-processor please.

You can get it here

or just start the gcode importer in easel and download it from there

I would like to try.

this is a fantastic addition to easel​:fireworks:,i am a aspire user and would love to test this feature out , thanx :+1::blush:

hi sorry to sound a bit dim but what do you use to open the pre-processor so you can edit it.
cheers martin

Guessing completely here, but I would try to open it in Notepad or a similar text editor. I imaging that is what you would edit it in!

I just used Word Pad from windows to edit it.

@TroyGrela @JustinShaddock @MarkStephenson @JohnSheak @AugustineSolis @TrentHailes @GiovanniPiccione Yall have access (hold on for the rest of you!)

@JamesBrower @MichaelMayerhofer @WilliamNagel @JustinMontois @ShaneReed @FrankWood @JustinRobbins @JukkaLaattala @HelgeDokken Welcome to the club!

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Thanks for the tip about this. Those variables are actually not used at all so I removed them. If you download the vectric post processor again it should be fixed.

To be clear, if you download the vectric post processor from now forward, you can use photo v-carve without any modification.

It’s amazing that everyone at Inventables is so quick to resolve issues like this and any others that arise. Keep up the great work, and thanks for all your efforts improving the products.

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The way this company and community work together is what has me wanting an xcarve. Just have to get my shop built first.

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Arcs are not supported by Easel yet? Seems like this should be a priority since grbl has supported them for a while now.

I would like access too!!!

I want to be included please.

Please include me , i gave up on igcs maybe its my computer but it always freezes and pic sender is a bit lame for my liking it works but id like to see if easel is better , using aspire.

Mike R.

This is great… I would like to be part of the gang please :smile:

@BradJere @TomSharp @MikeR @ShadiOmar come on down you’re the next contestant on the price is right!!! I mean you now have gcode import. May the force be with you.

plz it’s almost Festivus let me in!