That addresses plaque looks awesome how did your get the fine detail like the leaves? V carve?
Yep v-carve.
Very nice, that is a beautiful piece of wood.
man, that one took some serious “balls” to create!
If you were to stain the wood, could you do this prior to shellacing. Does the thinner not take all the laquer off? Why are you sanding at the end back to the bare wood?
You should stain prior to shellac.
Stain is pretty much just crazy fine ground pigment (and a few other things I cant name) in a solution of mineral spirits. When applied, this stuf gets into the grain of the wood and the mineral spirits evaporate.
Shellac is a secretion of the Lac beetle and is diluted in denatured alcohol. While if brushed it can disturb the stain pigment that is not well adhered to the surface of the wood, it doesnt readily dissolve the stain itself.
if you are going for paint filled engraving such as lettering, I would do so in this order,
shellac the entire surface
fill engraving with paint and let dry.
sand the surface free of shellac. This exposes the surface wood to accept the stain and give you a nice crisp line between the painted area and the surface wood.
apply stain of choice. If your lettering is darker than the stain, a bit of it wont matter too much if a bit of it goes into the engraving. If the color is lighter though, some careful application is in your future.
once everything dries a coat of sprayed lacquer seal the deal. Lacquer and its thinner will soften a mineral spirit based coating so spraying (with proper safety gear and procedure) is the better way to go so the underlying stain is not swirled around.
mineral spirits is unaffected by alcohol, and vice versa,
lacquer is unaffected by mineral spirits and alcohol.
Lacquer thinner can attack mineral spirit based coatings a bit but there are work arounds to this
Clear as mud?.
good video but not when some did taped and craved it.
very disappointing after the carving the tape raised and did not appeared just like the video.
shellac leaves a sheen finish? i thought there’s no more oil based paint.
can i use a paint thinner for the clean up or to wipe off the excess?
you do not recommend using a painter’s tape like that on the youtube video?
how did you do the border line and shape?
what bit was used here?
What would be the suggested course of action for 2 color painted design? I am planning a V-Carve and want the board to be one color and the carve to be another. The carve is fairly intricate and not easily masked.
Would I put sanding sealer over the base paint color? Or will the mineral spirits not bother the paint after it has dried?
In this case, it was simplicity itself. This was made using V-Carve, and the rectangle with the inward-rounded edges is a stock shape. All I had to do was set up the outline, then I profiled it in twice, with different spacings. If I’m recalling correctly, the first offset is .5 (from the outside to the outside edge of the line) then the second one was .625 (the inside edge of the line, leaving a .125 width that V-carve interprets to be a carved line. It sounds a lot more complex than it actually is to implement.