Plywood plywood plywood

@Zach_Kaplan Honestly it depends on the type/quality. I’ll break it down for me at least.

I pay 32~ for 3/4 4x8 Radiata Pine 13 ply.
I’d probably say I’d pay 15~ to have it cut and delivered to my doorstep because that’s at least 2-3 hours of driving and cut time I don’t have to do in a small vehicle.
So $47 comes out to ~1.50/sqft. If y’all did work area sizes of 30x30 that works out to close to $9.50.
I’d use the same math for other types of ply as well like hardwood veneer, my cost + plus convenience broken down.
3/4 Hardwood veneer is ~50 which works out to 12.7 for 30x30.

This is pretty close to the Menards pricing from the looks of it.

Radiata Pine and Purebond(Or Sande) are really all I use(I like plywood furniture). Radiata is my substitute for birch because its high ply and it’s hard to find birch anywhere close. And I really like the Purebond hardwood veneers. I rarely ever buy anything but 3/4 for ply though but if I did, I’d apply the same formula there as well to get a ballpark of what I’d pay.

For me, I’d love to be able to pay a good price for a project size panel and be able to get a variety of hardwood veneer etc rather than grabbing full sheets (I cant justify getting project panels at big box stores when full sheets are less than $10 more). It would be awesome to grab a Walnut veneer sheet, carve and inlay some resin and have an awesome looking walnut sign without the cost of…well… walnut lol.

That’s where I’m at with it. Hope it helps!

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